This section is designed as a visual aid for you to become familiar with the commonly-used shaping, draining or pressing devices referred to in most cheese making recipes. The names of these
devices may differ from one supplier to another, so they are identified here in photos as well as with the common names. We are showing the basic equipment list of molds, shaping devices,
and presses listed on pages 7-8 in Artisan Cheese Making at Home, as well as other traditional cheese molds. The draining/shaping basket shown on page 21 of Artisan Cheese Making at Home,
is the 4 5/8-inch diameter straight-sided Italian draining basket listed below.
These cheese making devices will handle the small batch quantities you will be making in your home kitchen. I’ve included examples of the commonly used draining/ripening boxes as well as
some of my finds which have become my favorites for these purposes. I’m sure you too will become very creative and identify other useful, interesting shaping or draining devices while on
your shopping adventures. Believe me; you will start to look at food storage containers with a new end purpose. My recommended presses and smoking devices are also included.
Molding, Shaping, Pressing, and Smoking Devices
Molds and Shaping Devices
Clockwise from top left
- 7.5 X 7.5 X 5-inch Taleggio Mold, no bottom
- St Marcellin Mold with rounded bottom
- Chevre (Fresh Goat) mold with flat bottom
- 4 5/8-inch diameter straight-sided Italian draining basket
- 4 1/2-inch diameter flared Italian draining basket
- Truncated Pyramid, no bottom
- 3 1/2-inch X 3 7/8-inch draining basket
- Disposable/reusable Ricotta baskets
- 4 X 4 X 4 inch Square Mold, no bottom
Clockwise from top left
- 8- inch Tomme with follower
- 4-inch diameter Camembert mold, no bottom, with follower
- 8-inch diameter Brie mold with follower
- St Maure or Buche (Log) Mold, no bottom
- 5 -inch Tomme mold with follower
- Crottin mold with rounded bottom
Repurposed Equipment (Photo: Mary Karlin)
Creating drain holes with Awl (Photo: Mary Karlin)
Draining and Ripening Boxes
Cheese Molds & Draining Containers
Cheese Molds in Draining & Ripening Containers
Smoking Cheese (Photo: Mary Karlin)
Smoking Baskets on grate (Photo: Mary Karlin)
Apollo 3-in-1 Smoker WEBSITE
Stovetop wok-smoking Scamorza